Monday, August 22, 2011

The End

Finished the last day dodging the numerous thunderstorms that rolled through the area. The road was wet from all the passing storms but luckily I had fenders on the bike so I stayed reasonably dry. I had a family from Saute Ste Marie (who I met me the day before at a restaurant) pass me again going the opposite way - they turned around and stopped to find out the name of my blog. (Hope you enjoy the read). Rolled into St. Ignace around 3:00 pm parked the bike and went to the bar for beer!

The Griffis picked me up at the The Driftwood Inn and we promptly started the celebration! All and all it was a wonderful time and the trip has given me new appreciation for this region. Already starting to think about next year's adventure which will be Lake Huron and the Georgian Bay in late July. Anyone interested in doing any or all of the ride let me know.

My next adventure starts September 8th, with the Not Dead Yet gang to ride from PDX to and around Crater Lake. I'll start a new blog for those who want to follow what five over 50 guys can do besides sit and watch TV.

Jeff Reaves
Sent from my iPhone

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