Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 14 - 101 miles

With 88 miles yesterday, I didn't know if I could make it the 100 miles from last nights camp to Van Riper State Park but the legs were up for the challenge. Had a good morning ride to Houghton (25 miles) and Breakfast. Couldnt beleive I got 2 eggs, 1 sausage, 2 bacon and 2 slices of toast fir $3.50!

Houghton, until the 1920's was a hugh copper mining town but like most things in this neck of the woods the town has had to reinvent itself into tourist interests. Based on my last two days, this area has to have the fewest teeth per capita and the most rusted out pickups!

The ride out of Houghton was along Grand Traverse Bay (some of you may also know there is a second Grand Traverse Bay near Traverse City) was flat and beautiful. Stopped at a rodeside stand to buy bananas, wild blueberries and tomatoes - when you bike its all about the food.

The road turned inland with a serious 10 mile climb and head winds. At this point I did not expect to go a 100 miles, especially at my meager pace of 10 mph. The road finally leveled out and the wind shifted. Rolled into camp and started my routine of setup, cleanup and eatup. Had a steady flow of visitors tonight who all biked and wanted details of my trip and we exchanged bike tales. Looking forward to Marquette and Munising tomorrow.

Jeff Reaves
Sent from my iPhone

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