Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 18- 105 miles

Rode strong today on mostly flat secondary roads. The wind was favorable for most of the ride. Got to my destination of Paradise of 75 miles but the legs and heart said let's keep going! Road along the shore most of the afternoon and pulled into Bay View Campground around 6:00pm. Currently I'm about 20 miles west of Sault St. Marie , my starting point of the ride. Tomorrow once I hit Mackinac Trail I'll turn south to St Ignace. There my brother-in-law will meet me for many beers and any other trouble be can find.

The campground tonight is the best one of the entire trip. Although there are no showers, Lake Superior is at the foot of my tent! With road grime and salt caked to my body after the long miles and sun, I plunged into the water and enjoyed a reasonably warm lake and 2 ft surf. Ahhh feel like a new man.

Since I'm pretty much done with the ride here are some facts of the ride:

Total days riding 17 plus 1 rest day.
Total miles 1,360 (average 80 mi/day
Camped 14 out of 18 days
Motel for 4 days
Two - 1/2 days of rain
Ate 30 packages of Quaker Oats
Drank 16 cups of coffee at camp
Average beers per night 2 - I think?!
Ice cream/ Blizzards -6
Power bars - 16
Calories burned per day 4,500
Burned 22 oz of stove fuel
1 worn out tire and zero flats
Times had to get up a pee at night- 2
Bear and moose sighting - 0 (bummer)
Best moment - talking in camp at night
Worst moment - Wally's World (Eagle Adventures)

Jeff Reaves
Sent from my iPhone

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