Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 6 - 108 miles!

Today was suppose to be an easy 60 mile day. The started with my normal routine of oatmeal and coffee. I broke camp and spent 20 minutes talking with a retired college prof from Thunder Bay. Today had two big climbs which I got up in a slow steady pace. At mile mark 25 I found a good cafe for breakfast of home fries, toast and eggs. Upon exiting the cafe a group of 4 women cyclist (50's from Quebec) rolled in and we talked abouttheir trip which started in Vancouver BC. The ride to Nipigon was along the shore and blessed with a stiff tailwind. Had a good Subway Hoggie, chips and ice cream- I'm feeling fine and it's 2:00pm. With only 10 miles to Red Rock (my designation for the day) I decide it would be good to put a few more miles in, since tomorrow is suppose to rain. Using the inernet and guide book I find Eagle Adventures. They are located next to Ouimet Camyon which suppose to be pretty spectacular. Only 25 extra miles- I figure I can ride until 6:00pm if I need. I get to the turnoff and the sign says 3 miles to Valley road - I get Valley road sign say 5 mile to Eagle Adventures and the road is dirt- great now what?!! So I commit and start down the road and about a mile from the entry this couple stop and tell me the me gate closed at 6:00pm. Hummm seems weird they would lock a campground at 6:00pm ( it is now 6:30pm). I decide ok I'll slide around the gate, camp and pay in the morning - I pedal on! I arrive at the gate which has this nasty sign about trespassing once the gate us closed. I ignore it slide under the gate and proceed up the hill to the CG. As I approach the store , alarms start sounding as if I had broken out of prision!!! The guy comes out and he informs me they dont have camping anymore and I will have to find somewhere else to camp.
Needless to say I felt like Chevy Chase at Wally's World! "what I've just pedaled 80 miles and your closed!"

Anyway the next campground was another 25 miles up the road. I pulled in at 9:00pm just ahead of an evening
thundershower but amazingly enough I enjoyed the day.

I've reach my most northern point in Nipagon and am now heading SW toward Diluth.

Jeff Reaves
Sent from my iPhone

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