Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 8 - 85 miles back in the USA

Yesterday was an easy 30 miles and a rest in a Travel Lodge Hotel. In general my campsites have been cleaner. The carpet in my room was in definite need if repair. With only 30 miles for the day, I skipped dinner and opted for Death Wish III and IV. After two beers and Charles kicking ass I was out by 9:00pm! Ohh the softness of a bed and pillow.

The ride out of town was tricky since HWY 61 was closed to bikes and peds. Thank goodness for the map function on the iPhone to help me navigate another route. The detour proved to be a pleasant ride in the farmland around Thunder Bay. The legs today just didn't have their normal zip and every turn of the crank was a chore. I made the 40 miles to the border by noon and really wasn't looking forward to the next 50 miles.

Right after the border crossing was a climb up Josephine Mountain. The strenuous climb finally got the legs to WAKE UP and even with a steady headwind I felt much stronger. Of course the Chesapeake Pie Company at the bottom of Josephine Mt helped with a roast beef sandwich, coke and cherry pie with ice cream - nice!!!

Rolled into Grand Marais, which has a wonderful little downtown and harbor for sailors on the lake. I'm stay in a city run campground which is pretty well run and has a nice view of the harbor. My neighbor Carl (on motorbike) is a former kayak guide in these parts - so he is giving me some great information on stops along my route.

Jeff Reaves
Sent from my iPhone

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