Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 5 to Rossport - 75 miles

It was a good day even with the hassling emails from Rick Myers showing off the waterfalls in Oregon and his ride around Lemola Pond!
The day was forecast for rain and I mentally had prepared for a somewhat wet day. But the clouds parted and blessed me with temps in the high 70's and an rare 10mph east wind. Today also had me returning to the lakeshore which brought beautiful views to distant islands in Lake Superior. Also today marks northern most shores Superior and tomorrow I will reach my furthest point north before heading down to Thunder Bay.
Meet some fun folks today and my 1st recumbent rider if the trip. Murray Skelton is from Trononto and started his trip in Vancouver. Chatted for quite awhile - his trip had him abandon his pull along trailer and exchange the wheels with those on this bike because of failed bike rims. Hard to leave a $250 trailer on the side of the with gear that you can't fit on your bike.

Last night I had Wayne the "Chip Truck Driver" visit me with his two boys 4 and 8 years old. They are locals in Marathon and for fun drive thru the campground. Needless to say not much happening in Marathon. Anyway he gave lots of information about moose, bears and timber wolves. He said I'd see lots if moose today - well I saw zero. His information that timber wolves and black bears won't bother you in not valid!

End of day took a nice dip in Superior- ohh it's cold! Hoping for a clear night of stars. Who knows I might even see the lights if the Bocci Ball Court at Torch Lake!

Jeff Reaves
Sent from my iPhone

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