Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 3 - late post.

After the hot day, I was definitely in need of a shower. The only option was Husky Truck Stop. Shower was great and they let pitch my tent in back at no cost! Had diner at truckstop resturant with Jaun another cyclist from Quebec who at 60 was fulfilling his dream to cycle across Canada. Jaun spoke broken english and I spoke broken Candian- "aye". After long day on the bike and a good diner I bedded down at 9:00 pm to a sound sleep. At 1:30 am I was startled with a loud siren righy outside my tent. Not knowing what it meant and thinking killer tornado!!! , I got up to find out what was happening. Come find out I was sleeping under volunteer fire department sirens. The blast was for a fire - where or what I don't know but next free campsite will get a little more scrutiny.

Jeff Reaves
Sent from my iPhone

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